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5 Wellness Products I'm Loving: Nourish Your Body


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If there’s one thing I love, it’s trying new wellness and natural health products. 

After having a car crash in 2014, being hospitalised with Guillain Barre Syndrome in 2016 and an operation to remove Endometriosis in 2017, my body’s been through the wringer a bit, to say the least!

Ever since, I’ve been on a healing journey. 

I’m experimenting with my diet (I’m sure a blog post will come on that one!), working out how to balance my hormones (more on this too!), and how to replenish some of the lost vitamins and minerals I’ve lost through illness and poor gut health.

What I do know, is that everything is connected. The micro affects the macro.

That stress you feel ends up affecting your gut. It ends up disrupting your cortisol, which in turn leads you to gain weight. An imbalance of the gut microbiome through sugary foods can contribute to brain fog, tiredness, poor digestion... and... well, it’s a complex pattern to unravel with so many factors.

But the one thing that has worked for me, on a consistent basis, is trying products that are as close to nature as possible.

I believe that we have become so disconnected from the natural world that our body and mind are reacting. We are deeply sick as a species, in mind, body, and soul. A lot of us are unhealthy - with low energy, high stress levels, poor sleep and a disrupted gut. My opinion is that in order to be the healthiest we can be, we should really be living with our feet on the bare earth, getting plenty of sunlight and exercise, drinking fresh spring water and eating organic foods. But in most modern countries, that’s not always possible.

So as we're confined and going out just once a day, it's important to nourish ourselves in these pandemic times. I love experimenting with different natural products and wellness treats.

Here are the items I’m finding helpful at the moment.

  1. Magnesium Oil Spray

My friend gave me this to try and I love it. I spray it on the soles of my feet before bed. Transdermal absorption always works better, especially so if you’ve just had a bath because your pores are open. I get into bed, wrap myself in my duvet like a little burrito and spritz my tootsies. It’s lovely. Magnesium helps you sleep better and it's also great for sore muscles and any tension.

What the research says: The jury's out on this one - whilst there are hundreds of anecdotal reports, there's also many research papers that say transdermal absorption isn't actually a thing. However, Cardiff university has studied the effects of transdermal magnesium, and The Journal of Integrative Medicine has found it significantly improves symptoms of fibromyalgia in one research study.

2. Epsom salts

Yes, another magnesium product. But I love it! I could wax lyrical all day about how beneficial Epsom Salt baths have been for me. When all my nerves were damaged after GBS, the only thing that would make me feel better was to soak in about 1kg of Epsom salts. It seems to revive you, somehow. It also makes you super relaxed, perfect if you get neck and shoulder tension like me. Read up on it before trying though- you can't use if you have low blood pressure.

What the research says : Whilst there are few studies to back it up, feeling rejuvenated after an Epsom salt bath could just be attributed to the placebo effect. But hey, that's fine if it works for you - the placebo effect is a very real phenomenon.

3. Allicin

I harp on to anyone that'll listen about just how good these tablets are for your digestion. Allicin is a compound from garlic that's been crushed, and these are the synthesised form of it. They've been amazing when I picked up a number of different tummy bugs from travelling in Asia.

A lot of people know how pharmaceutical antibiotics can really mess with your gut health. If you have to take them for anything, it can be a real struggle getting your digestion back working effectively, leading to bloating issues. If you have anything like this, you feel you're fighting a losing battle, especially if you consume gluten, dairy, sugar or alcohol on a regular basis (and lets face it, it's hard to cut out all of these!)

What the research says: The research for Allicin in its pure form is positive, with one stating that 'Allicin in its pure form was found to exhibit i) antibacterial activity against a wide range of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, including multidrug-resistant enterotoxicogenic strains of Escherichia coli; ii) antifungal activity, particularly against Candida albicans; iii) antiparasitic activity, including some major human intestinal protozoan parasites such as Entamoeba histolytica and Giardia lamblia; and iv) antiviral activity.'

4. Castor oil packs

I could probably write an entire post on the benefits of castor oil in general (and it’s incredible hair thickening properties!) but I use it mainly for reproductive health and to break up any fibrous tissue I may have after ovulation. Creating a castor oil pack is fairly simple and easy to do, and it’s really nice to just lie there with a warm belly whilst you chill out and watch something for half an hour. All you need is the oil, a muslin cloth, some clingfilm to secure it, a hot water bottle to place on top, and a towel to lie on.

What the research says: Castor oil packs have been used for centuries. Research says it is effective for digestion, and a number of studies suggest it is a potent cathartic aid.

5. Black strap molasses

I have only this year found out about the amazing benefits of black strap molasses

You can get them cheaply from your local health food store, and they’re a sticky, gooey like black substance that looks a little like molten tar! It smells of bonfire toffee, too.

I got a jar because it’s fantastic for building iron in the body. It’s made from the practice of sugar cane refining processes, but is jam packed with nutrients, unlike refined sugar. I think we will be seeing this in our foods and drinks in hipster cafes in the years to come! I drink a tablespoon in hot water, it’s not too bad in terms of the taste.

Research says: If you're looking for an alternative to refined sugar, black strap molasses have been found to have the highest level of antioxidants.

So that’s my top health and wellness products I’m loving at the moment.

Prioritising wellness is one of my top values. I think we should all be treating our body with gentleness, respect and kindness. It is our temple, and does so much for us. It is a life generating organism that we just can’t take for granted!

Stay tuned for more wellness and health blogs from me.

If you’d like me to write about your natural health product, please get in touch.

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